Local private schools and students will get the experience of international school in terms of functionalities. Parents will get their kids’ real status in their studies.Students can analyze about their own performance.
EDUplus, Educational Platform communicates School, Guardians,
Students. The students will get the insight of their own performances
and requirements. The guardians will get the real time information of their children. The school can manage about the staffs, student and their payroll
The Admin User efficiently manages school information, data creation, retrieval, modification, and deletion. school address easily accessible digitally for convenience.
Eliminate data loss and save time by upgrading from cumbersome paperwork registration to operations a secure system-based registration and enrollment process.
Facilitate adaptable student fee payments, catering to current trends and providing a convenient, comfortable transaction experience for both payers and the institution.
System facilitates efficient report tracking, empowering administrators, educators, and students with streamlined communication and data management capabilities.
EDUplus is the edutech tools. Improvement to School Administration process. Help to School Management.Communication platform for Teacher, Student and Parents.